First things first. Where did you start with this adventurous project?
Bram (La Bolleur): «First we made sketches on what construction we would use. We’ve worked with plants before, but only for temporary installations. On the canopy the plants have to survive all year round. So we worked closely together with Karin to see what plants we were choosing, what material we’d use so the plants could grow easily and how big the netting had to be. We made several sketches and finally ended up with this design.»
Willem (La Bolleur): «The design follows the shape of the existing construction of the entrance. The terrace-like construction hints to shapes of rice fields in Vietnam or China. It has to be a big gesture, that still stands when the green layer of ivy takes over the construction.»
What were the challenges you came across?
Bram (La Bolleur): “It was plain bad luck that we had to install the construction on the one day that broke rain records. Of course it’s always a challenge to work at 3 meters hight on an installation that’s not made for standing. Especially when it’s raining for 15 hours straight! Also, Volkshotel is open all the time. This meant we had to install everything while guests were coming and going and were walking underneath us. But we managed. And are very happy with the result.»
Tell us, how do you keep a canopy green all year round?
Karin: “Ivy and moss are the base of the greens. They stay green all year. We also used clematis, which blooms and vine that turns red in fall. The fun part is that it won’t stay the same color. Each season it gets a different lush look. So every time you visit Volkshotel, you can see new things. All we need now is a little bit of sunshine to let everything grow and bloom.”

Volkshotel’s green canopy is part of The Green Knowledge Mile project.
La Bolleur
Multidisciplinary design studio // website
Karin Looijesteijn
Flower master // website