How did you come up with the idea of the ‘people wearing one colour’ series?
Well, for a long time I’ve been an all-black wearer. I was having a conversation with a friend (an all dark blue wearer) about it. What is it that makes people feel so comfortable in one specific colour, and very uncomfortable in another? From that moment on I kept noticing people that were wearing one colour. And the series started.
How do you find your subjects? Do you stumble upon them or do you actively search for them?
I’m not lying around in the bushes waiting for someone to pass me by. Not yet at least. Although the first lady that I shot was from behind a tree trunk. I was too timid to confront her. After that, I decided (actually my best friend thoroughly advised me) to ask if I could take a photo. It’s nicer for both parties.

Do people who wear one color have certain things in common?
For some people, it’s a one-timer. Just a fun thing for that day. For others, it’s serious business. I guess those people all feel like that colour reflects how they feel or want to feel. Who they are or want to be. But the most important thing they have in common is awesomeness. Keep in mind, I’m not talking about people wearing low-key black. I’m talking colour colour here. It takes courage to stand out from the crowd like that and I respect and envy that.
We noted on your Instagram account that people have a wide variety of reasons to wear unicolor clothing. Which reason stayed with you the most?
I do recall the reason was private, but Tjarda had been on the turquoise train for over thirty years. And from one moment to the next she decided to go red. It had something to do with her mindset. Humans are awesome.

What’s the most special outfit you’ve photographed?
It was the one I captured from behind the tree trunk. A lady in all pink. Pink shoes, socks, pants, shirt, nails, plastic bags, piercings, and hair. She looked like she would punch me in the face if I asked her if I could take a photo. So I didn’t.
Do you own a unicolor outfit yourself?
As I said: I’m an all-black wearer by nature. Not so exciting. But now that you ask, I’ve actually been browsing shops for a green or blue unicolor tracksuit. Stop the presses! I’ll probably buy one soon and hang it in my closet for it to never see daylight again. What can you do, ey?
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