So, Alma. Tell us a bit about yourself.
« Well, I scream in a metal band called For I Am King. I’m doing that fulltime at the moment. I have a cat called Rembo, named after the tv show Rembo & Rembo, and I love Ryan Gosling! Besides that I love eating junkfood like pizza and burgers. Most of the time I make the burgers myself. Vegetarian burgers that is, because I don’t eat meat. »
Where does your passion for burgers come from?
« It actually started by just eating a lot of burgers. It’s been my favourite food for a long time. When I go out to eat I always check if there are burgers on the menu. I haven’t been collecting for such a long time. My obsession for eating hamburgers grew into collecting them. A lot of my friends give me stuff. When they see something online, they tag me. And not only with hamburgers. I’m also a big fan of Heinz ketchup. That’s my second obsession. »

Is there a favourite item you cherish most?
« Hm, the hamburger phone for sure. It still works! But also my hamburger sweater which I wear a lot. My latest asset is a hamburger suit. I even wore it during a show with my band at a festival. It stayed with that one time though. It’s not really practical. Or charming. Although I don’t really care about that. »

How many burgers do you eat a week?
“It’s my favourite food by far. So I eat it at least once a week. With Heinz ketchup. Otherwise it doesn’t work for me. The other day a friend sent me a video of how to make your own Big Mac sauce. I was waiting to taste a vegetarian Big Mac for a long time. It was my favourite burger when I still ate meat. So I bought my veggie burgers from the Vegetarische Slager and gave it a go. It was perfect! It tasted like the real deal and was also approved by my meat eating friends. »

Do you secretly have shares in the burger industry?
« Haha, no. I do have a burger tattoo though. »
What special item is still missing and would you like to get your hands on?
« I once saw a hamburger house! It was painted like a hamburger. It was somewhere in Holland and was a snackbar of some sort. I really want to go there someday and see it with my own eyes. There’s also a hamburger bed that I’d love to get my hands on. If I ever get a big house, there will be a room with that bed in it for sure. »

How do you think people will react to your collection at Volkshotel?
« I think everyone who looks at it, gets hungry. Even now just talking about it makes me hungry. It would be cool, by the way, if I could meet other people that collect hamburgers. Maybe we could trade things. And eat a bunch of hamburgers together.”
Alma Appelmoes
Take a look at her Instagram account and band page on Facebook.
//Werkplaats Burger Deal\\
You can earn free fries when you order a burger at Werkplaats. All you have to do is take a selfie with Alma’s collection and share it on Instagram with the text: #collectors @werkplaats_amsterdam @volkshotel. Show it at the bar and collect your fries!
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If you’re a hamburger collector, let us know at We’ll make sure to connect you to Alma. Besides that Volkshotel is looking for other collectors too. Those with an untamable passion for quirky items. To show off their special collections and to tell the special stories behind it. Happen to know one? Let us know.