What makes Eddy bar special is, that it’s themed after one of Holland’s biggest national folk singers, named André Hazes. For those that don’t know him, he makes really melancholical Dutch songs, ask any Dutch person and they will be able to sing along to at least one of his songs. On all walls in Eddy Bar there are pictures of him, performing, sitting in the café or posing with other Dutch celebrities.
Eddy Bar was André Hazes place to go for a beer. After he died in 2004, a sculpture of him was put up in the neighbourhood and the bar started hosting an annual memorial. People from all over Holland come to put flowers at the statue, drink a beer in Eddy Bar, celebrate his music and remember him. The bar plays his songs all night long and you will meet many look-alikes performing his songs.
Daan and his football friends have been going to this bar for quite some years. They’re such big fans that they’ve named their team “Eddy’s Raketmannen” and made a team shirt with the face of Hazes on it. After some convincing, the bar owner even agreed to put up their team picture amongst the pictures of dutch celebrities and of course André Hazes. Daan: “We always go here after we’ve played a match and drink a “fire man”. I won’t tell what’s in it, but you should definitely try it out.”
Who’s Daan?
Daan (24), club manager of Canvas, is a social animal with talent for making people feel at ease. To praise him some more, he also has a some mad endurance skills, making parties go far into the night and being able to run a marathon with his dad.
One of Daan’s missions is to make the song “De Poes van Tante Loes” by Zware Jongens known as the “Volkshotel Anthem”, he tries to close Canvas with this song every night, but somehow it doesn’t really stick. (You’ll really need some endurance skills with this mission, Daan)
//Eddy Bar
Gerard Doustraat 58
1072 VV Amsterdam
How to get there from Volkshotel
Jump on tram 3 towards « Zoutkeetsgracht », get of at « Tweede van der Helststraat », take a right and walk past the Sarphati Park, keep walking straight for just a bit and you will bump into Eddy Bar on the corner.
P.S. Daan also throws parties under the name Overvloed, definitely something worth checking out